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高 剑


高  剑,副教授,博士,硕士生导师




电 话:0516-83262137


通 讯:江苏省徐州市云龙区铜山路209号,221004


中国科学院大学化学生物学博士(2013),副教授,硕士生导师,药物化学学科后备带头人。江苏省青蓝工程优秀青年骨干教师2019年),江苏省六大人才高峰高层次人才2019年)。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,徐州市科技计划项目,徐州医科大学优秀人才科研启动基金等各1项。近年来,以第一作者或者通讯作者,在Signal Transduct Tar (IF: 38.104, 2022), P. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (IF: 12.779, 2021), Cell. Commun. Signal. (IF: 7.525, 2022), Nanoscale (IF: 7.394, 2014), Eur. J. Med. Chem. (IF: 7.088, 2019, 2022), Front. Pharmacol. (IF: 5.988, 2021), Front. Mol. Biosci. (IF: 6.113, 2021), Mol. Med. (IF: 6.376, 2022), Int. J. Mol. Sci. (IF: 4.556, 2016, 2019), J. Comput.-Aided Mol. Des. (IF: 3.25, 2018, 2019)SCI收录期刊发表论文30余篇。申请国家发明专利9项,授权8项。


1.      国家自然科学基金青年项目21708033,基于Sirt1激动机制的全新激动剂发现及其在糖尿病肾病药物防治中的应用,2018.01-2020.1222万元,主持。

2.      江苏省自然科学基金面上项目BK202011572-甲基萘并[1,2-b]呋喃类Sirt1 激动剂的设计、合成及其抗糖尿病肾病活性评价,2020.07-2023.0610万元,主持。

3.      江苏省自然科学基金青年项目BK20140225,基于人PDF的新型抗肿瘤药物设计,2014.06-2017.0720万元,主持。

4.      徐州市科技创新专项-高校基础研究KC16SG249,基于人肽脱甲酰基酶的新型抗肿瘤药物设计,2016.10-2018.105万元,主持。

5.      徐州医科大学优秀人才科研启动基金D2014008,靶向人肽脱甲酰基酶的新型抗肿瘤药物设计,2014.05-2017.0530万元,主持。

6.      横向课题:中国医学科学院阜外医院,靶向α7nAChR的全新药物分子筛选,2020.10-2021.107万元,主持。


1.      第八届全国大学生基础医学创新研究暨实验设计论坛总决赛铜奖。基于结构发现甘草黄酮B和银杏黄酮靶向c-Myc G-四链体对c-Myc转录和骨髓瘤生长的抑制作用。唯一指导教师。

2.      2022全国大学生生命科学竞赛一等奖。CULSC2022CY0265,曲伐沙星,奥扎莫德和奥泽沙星靶向c-Myc G-四联体的计算机辅助药物设计及活性研究。唯一指导教师。

3.      2021全国大学生生物科学竞赛江苏赛区三等奖。JS-CULSC2021KS01,基于SIRT1激活剂白藜芦醇的生物信息学分析与计算机辅助药物设计。唯一指导教师。

4.      2019第十六届瑞华杯江苏省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛暨挑战杯全国竞赛江苏省选拔赛决赛二等奖。靶向SIRT1的糖尿病肾病防治的计算机辅助药物设计。唯一指导教师。

5.      2018年第十一届全国大学生药苑论坛创新成果奖一等奖。唯一指导教师。

6.      2016年第一届全国医药院校药学/中药学大学生创新创业暨实验教学改革大赛获得特等奖。NDC16A110002059,个人排名:4/5

7.      2022年国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目。基于Omomyc的全新靶向c-Myc的抗肿瘤多肽的计算机辅助药物设计,202210313018Z1万元,唯一指导教师。

8.      2021年国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目。蛋白Myc/Max/OmomycDNA分子间互作的计算机辅助药物设计,202110313022Z1万元,唯一指导教师。

9.      2019年国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目。基于白藜芦醇的全新SIRT1激活剂的计算机辅助药物设计,201910313005Z1万元,唯一指导教师。

10.  2016年国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目。基于中草药的新型抗菌药物发现,201610313014Z1万元,唯一指导教师。


1.      高剑,林奇泗,牟杰,王涛,朱亚胜,邱圣智,梁礼。香草醛异羟肟酸类衍生物及其应用,ZL201611103571 .3

2.      高剑,姚若斯。一种2-亚胺苯并咪唑类化合物及医药用途,ZL201811390517 .0

3.      高剑,姚若斯。吡咯烷-2-酮类化合物在制备与多发性骨髓瘤有关药物方面的应用,ZL202011215542 .2

4.      印晓星,高剑,鲁茜,周成华,姚若斯,杜蕾,陈庆庆。2-甲基萘并[1 ,2-b]呋喃类化合物在制备与糖尿病肾病有关药物方面的应用,ZL 201911119378 .2

5.      刘泳,高剑,底洁卉,郑骏年,王丙武。靶向MDM2锌指结构域的小分子药物及其抗肿瘤用途,ZL 201910552173 .7

6.      姚若斯,高剑。咪唑并喹唑啉类衍生物及其盐制备PIM1酶抑制剂的应用、PIM1酶抑制剂及其应用,ZL 201911070051 .0

7.      周雪妍,郭晓莉,高剑,印晓星,张蓓,徐吟。一种靶向ACSL1的小分子药物及其在治疗子宫内膜癌中的应用,ZL 202110902537 .7

8.      邱净英,龚奇能,谷小珂,陈旺,高剑,黄健航。一种丙烯酰胺类化合物、其制备方法及医药用途,ZL201710127451 .5


1.       [中科院1top, IF: 38.104] Yu Zhenlong#, Gao Jian#, Zhang Xiaolei#, Peng Yulin#, Wei Wenlong, Xu Jianrong, Li Zhenwei, Wang Chao, Zhou Meirong, Tian Xiangge, Feng Lei, Huo Xiaokui, Liu Min, Ye Mingliang*, Guo De-an*, Ma Xiaochi*. Characterization of a small-molecule inhibitor targeting NEMO/IKKβ to suppress colorectal cancer growth. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy 2022; 7(1): 71.

2.       [中科院1top, IF: 12.779] Yuan Wei#, Lu Liaoxun#, Rao Muding, Huang Yang, Liu Chun-e, Liu Shuang, Zhao Yue, Liu Huicong, Zhu Jiangli, Chao Tianzhu, Wu Can, Ren Junyan, Lv Luxian, Li Wenqiang, Qi Shiqian, Liang Yinming, Yue Shijing, Gao Jian*, Zhang Zhongjian#, Kong Eryan*. GFAP hyperpalmitoylation exacerbates astrogliosis and neurodegenerative pathology in PPT1-deficient mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2021; 118(13): e2022261118.

3.       [中科院1top, IF: 7.088] Qiu Jingying, Zhou Qingqing, Zou Yueting, Li Shuqiong, Yang Lihua, Chen Wang, Gao Jian*, Gu Xiaoke*. Design and synthesis of novel quinazolinone derivatives as anti-HBV agents with TLR8 agonist effect. Eur J Med Chem 2022; 231: 114159.

4.       [中科院1top, IF: 5.572] Qiu Jingying#, Chen Wang#, Zhang Yinpeng, Zhou Qingqing, Chen Jing, Yang Lihua, Gao Jian*, Gu Xiaoke*, Tang Daoquan*. Assessment of quinazolinone derivatives as novel non-nucleoside hepatitis B virus inhibitors. Eur J Med Chem 2019; 176: 41-49.

5.       [中科院1top, IF: 7.394]Gao Jian, Wang Liming, Kang Seung-gu, Zhao Lina, Ji Mingjuan*, Chen Chunying, Zhao Yuliang, Zhou Ruhong, Li Jingyuan*. Size-dependent impact of CNTs on dynamic properties of calmodulin. Nanoscale 2014; 6(21): 12828-12837.

6.       [中科院2top, IF: 5.998] Gao Jian, Chen Qing-Qing, Huang Ye, Li Kai-Hang, Geng Xiao-Ju, Wang Tao, Lin Qi-Si*, Yao Ruo-Si*. Design, Synthesis and Pharmacological Evaluation of Naphthofuran Derivatives as Potent SIRT1 Activators. Front Pharmacol 2021; 12(917): 653233.

7.       [中科院2, IF: 7.525] Yao Ruosi#, Zhang Menghui#, Zhou Jian, Liu Linlin, Zhang Yan, Gao Jian*, Xu Kailin*, Novel Dual-Targeting C-Myc Inhibitor D347-2761 Represses Myeloma Growth Via Blocking C-Myc/Max Heterodimerization and Disturbing Its Stability. Cell Communication and Signaling 2022, 20(1):73.

8.       [中科院2, IF: 6.376] Wang Bingwu#, Gao Jian#, Zhao Zhongjun#, Zhong Xuefei, Cui Hao, Hou Hui, Zhang Yanping, Zheng Junnian*, Di Jiehui*, Liu Yong*. Identification of a small-molecule RPL11 mimetic that inhibits tumor growth by targeting MDM2-p53 pathway. Mol Med 2022; 28(1): 109.

9.       [中科院2, IF: 3.841] Geng, Xiaoju#, Yan Zhang#, Shihao Li, Linlin Liu, Ruosi Yao*, Ling Liu, Jian Gao*. Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of novel benzimidazolyl isoxazole derivatives as potential c-Myc G4 stabilizers to suppress c-Myc transcription and myeloma growth', J Mol Struct 2023; 1275: 134673.

10.   [中科院2, IF: 4.556] Chen Qingqing#, Wang Yan#, Shi Shanshan, Li Kaihang, Zhang Ling, Gao Jian*. Insights into the Interaction Mechanisms of the Proviral Integration Site of Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus (Pim) Kinases with Pan-Pim Inhibitors PIM447 and AZD1208: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation and MM/GBSA Calculation Study. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2019; 20(21): 5410.

11.   [中科院2, IF: 3.226] Gao Jian*, Liang Li, Zhu Yasheng, Qiu Shengzhi, Wang Tao, Zhang Ling. Ligand and Structure-Based Approaches for the Identification of Peptide Deformylase Inhibitors as Antibacterial Drugs. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2016; 17(7): 1141.

12.   [中科院3, IF: 6.113] Qu Zhiyuan, Li Kaihang, Geng Xiaoju, Huang Bo, Gao Jian*. Computational Insights Into the Effects of the R190K and N121Q Mutations on the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Complex With Biliverdin. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 2021; 8(1189): 791885.

13.   [中科院3, IF: 2.552] Shi Shanshan#, Wang Qiudan#, Liu Sai, Qu Zhiyuan, Li Kaihang, Geng Xiaoju, Wang Tao, Gao Jian*. Characterization the performances of twofold resveratrol integrated compounds in binding with SIRT1 by molecular dynamics simulation and molecular mechanics/generalized born surface area (MM/GBSA) calculation. Chem Phys 2021; 544: 111108.

14.   [中科院3, IF: 4.162] Yao R. S., Xie Y., Sun X. Y., Zhang M. H., Zhou J., Liu L. L., Gao J.*, Xu K. L.* Identification of a Novel c-Myc Inhibitor 7594-0037 by Structure-Based Virtual Screening and Investigation of Its Anti-Cancer Effect on Multiple Myeloma. Drug Des Dev Ther 2020; 14: 3983-3993.

15.   [中科院3, IF: 2.546] Chen Han, Wang Yan, Gao Zheng, Yang Wen, Gao Jian*. Assessing the performance of three resveratrol in binding with SIRT1 by molecular dynamics simulation and MM/GBSA methods: the weakest binding of resveratrol 3 to SIRT1 triggers a possibility of dissociation from its binding site. J Comput-Aided Mol Des 2019; 33(4): 437-446.

16.   [中科院3, IF: 2.535] Yao Ruosi#, Sun Xiaoyang#, Xie Yu, Sun Xiaoshen, Yao Yao, Li Hujun, Li Zhenyu, Gao Jian*, Xu Kailin*. Identification of a novel c-Myc inhibitor with anti-tumor effects on multiple myeloma cells. Biosci Rep 2018: BSR20181027.

17.   [中科院3, IF: 3.25] Gao Jian#,*, Liang Li#, Chen Qingqing, Zhang Ling, Huang Tonghui*. Insight into the molecular mechanism of yeast acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase mutants F510I, N485G, I69E, E477R, and K73R resistant to soraphen A. J Comput-Aided Mol Des 2018; 32(4): 547-557.

18.   [中科院3, IF: 2.861] Gao Jian*, Wang Tao, Qiu Shengzhi, Zhu Yasheng, Liang Li, Zheng Youguang. Structure-Based Drug Design of Small Molecule Peptide Deformylase Inhibitors to Treat Cancer. Molecules 2016; 21(4): 396.

19.   [中科院4, IF: 4.05] Zhang Jinyuan#, Wang Tao#, Geng Xiaoju, Liu Linlin, Gao Jian*, Identification of Trovafloxacin, Ozanimod, and Ozenoxacin as Potent C-Myc G-Quadruplex Stabilizers to Suppress C-Myc Transcription and Myeloma Growth. Mol inform 2022:e2200011.

20.   [中科院4, IF: 2.817] Liu Linlin#, Geng Xiaoju#, Zhang Jinyuan, Li Shihao, Gao Jian*, Structure-Based Discovery of Licoflavone B and Ginkgetin Targeting C-Myc G-Quadruplex to Suppress C-Myc Transcription and Myeloma Growth. Chem. Biol. Drug Des. 2022. https://doi.org/10.1111/cbdd.14064.

21.   [中科院4, IF: 2.172] Gao Jian#,*, Wang Yinchuan#, Li Kaihang, Zhang Jinyuan, Geng Xiaoju. Comparative analysis of compound NSC13728 as Omomyc homodimer stabilizer by molecular dynamics simulation and MM/GBSA free energy calculation. J Mol Model 2022; 28(4): 92.

22.   [中科院4, IF: 1.965] An Yiqiang#, Meng Chen#, Chen Qingqing, Gao Jian*. Discovery of small molecule sirt1 activator using high-throughput virtual screening, molecular dynamics simulation, molecular mechanics generalized born/surface area (MM/GBSA) calculation, and biological evaluation. Med Chem Res 2020; 29(2): 255-261.

23.   [中科院4, IF: 1.783] Liu Linlin, Kai Xiaoning, Chen Qingqing, Zhang Ling, Yao Ruosi*, Gao Jian*. Identification of protein arginine methyltransferase 7 (PRMT7) inhibitor by virtual screening and biological evaluation in vitro. Med Chem Res 2019; 28(2): 125-132.

24.   [中科院4, IF: 1.728] Shi Xi, Zhang Yan, Qiu Shiwei, Zhuang Wei, Yuan Na, Sun Tiantian, Gao Jian*, Qiao Yuehua*, Liu Ke*. A Novel GJB2 compound heterozygous mutation c.257C>G (p.T86R)/c.176del16 (p.G59A fs*18) causes sensorineural hearing loss in a Chinese family. J Clin Lab Anal 2018; 32(7): e22444.

25.   [中科院4, IF: 1.2] Jian Gao, Shengzhi Qiu, Li Liang, Zhixiang Hao, Qianqian Zhou, Fanfan Wang, Jie Mou*, Qisi Lin*. Design, Synthesis, and Biological Evaluation of Vanillin Hydroxamic Acid Derivatives as Novel Peptide Deformylase Inhibitors. Curr Comput Aided Drug Des 2018; 14(1): 95-101.

26.   [中科院4, IF: 1.503] Li Liang, Qianqian Zhou, Zhixiang Hao, Fanfan Wang, Yasheng Zhu, Qisi Lin*, Jian Gao*. The discovery of antibacterial natural compound based on peptide deformylase. Combinatorial Chem High Throughput Screening 2018; 21(4): 292-297.

27.   [中科院4, IF: 1.607] Gao Jian#, Sun Jie#, Wang Tao, Sheng Shen, Huang Tonghui*. Combined 3D-QSAR modeling and molecular docking study on spiro-derivatives as inhibitors of acetyl-CoA carboxylase. Med Chem Res 2017; 26(2): 361-371.